Monday, November 10, 2014

Summary & Remarks

I learned in Comp-Sci 2nd Quarter many things: how to make a webpage, how to design it, making a good presentation, and some tips in searching. I hope in the 3rd quarter, things will be worth a while.

  • Google Images
  • Moodle
  • w3schools
The 2nd Quarter Summary of Lessons
  1. Protocols and DNS
  2. Web searches and evaluating online contents
  3. Netiquette
  4. HTML
  5. CSS
  6. Making a Good Presentation

Creating a Good Presentation.

To give you a bird's eye view of what could you be doing in the future; creating a good presentation.

There are many kinds of software used for presenting like PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, Powtoon, and many more. It's up to you to choose what fancies you.

Here are some guidelines in making a good presentation.

Aspect Ratio - There are many ratios in selecting your aspect ratio. The most recommended is 4:3.
                         Remember, the graphics should not be distorted.

Color Scheme - color is based on the emotions of the author. Choose colors that are suitable for the event.                            For example, if the event is all about Mother Nature, use the color green.

Typography -  style and appearance of printed or                          written data, graphics, or material.
                                                                 Typography is an effective way to show meaning and intention.

Now, here are some tips on presentation.

  1. Use compelling materials.
  2. Keep it simple
  3. Minimize numbers in slides
  4. Don't parrot Powerpoint.
  5. Time your remarks.
  6. Give it a rest.
  7. Use vibrant colors
  8. Import other images and graphics
  9. Handouts should be distributed not on but after the presentation.
  10. Edit ruthlessly before presenting.

Web Searching Tips

After all the HTML, CSS lessons, we shift to tips on web searching.

The Tips and Tricks of Web Searching:
1. Use Web Friendly Words
Using words that are more likely to appear in webpages, will yield the best results.
2. Less is more
The less words you use when searching, the more results will appear.
3. Search with an exact phrase
Put quotation marks around words to search for an exact phrase in an exact order.
4. Don't worry about cases
When searching words with all caps,
 the result will also be the same when you search with small caps.
5. Search within a specific site
If you want your answers to be on that site, precede your query with the site.
6. Don't mind about punctuations.
The search engine ignores punctuations.
7. Search by file type (docx.,pdf., etc.)
8. Number Conversions
9. Time
10. Currency Conversions
11. Check the Weather
12. Definitions
13. Calculate anything
14. Exclude a word or site
This is very useful when you want to remove results from an unwanted site.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

One important lesson in comp-sci 1 is CSS.

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheet, deals with the presentation domain of designing your documents. You would want CSS to design your webpage.

  • much richer document presentation
  • possible to use same style on multiple pages
  • decreases page size
  • reduction of workload, and
  • if HTML is for content, then CSS is for presentation.
There are 3 implementations of CSS.
They are:

  1. In line
  2. Embedded/Internal, and
  3. External
CSS has 4 selectors which are the Element, Class, ID, and Pseudo Selectors which are useful for selecting tagged element.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Images, Links, Tables (HTML)

If you can edit your webpage using fonts and colors, you can add some modifications using images, links and tables.

Images can be added to your webpage. They are defined with the <img> tag. To add an image, this is the format one should use: <img src="url" alt="some_text">

Links can also be added to your webpage. They are words, a group of words, or an image that can link you to another document. The way you do this is by : <a href="url">Link text</a>

Tables are another useful addition to a webpage.
 There are different tags to use for tables.
 They are:
  • <tr> - table row
  • <td> - data cells, and
  • <th> - table header

Formatting, Fonts, Colors (HTML)

HTML provides a wide array of edition of websites. You can apply colors and change fonts.

There are different fonts you can apply as you customize your webpage such as Arial, Verdana, and etc.. Changing your fonts is up to you whether you would like to customize your webpage or not.

Color can also be an efficient way to edit your webpage. It can be used to decorate your font, background and more. Color is determined by Sublime Text as hexadecimal value like #00ffff.


Ever think of how websites are made of? all of them are from HTML.

HTML is otherwise known as Hypertext Markup Language which is a set of markup tags that describe document content which are also called webpages. You can edit your webpage with HTML tags such as <p>.

HTML elements are anything between starting and closing tags. They can also have attributes which edit those elements. For example, name="value". You can create HTML using Sublime Text.


There are a set of rules that guide us in our everyday lives. there are also rules when we use the internet. these rules are called Netiquette.

  • Rule 1: Remember the Human
    • Always remember, you may do anything online, but most importantly, you must act like a human.
  • Rule 2: Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life
    • Whatever you do in real life, you must apply it also when using the net.
  • Rule 3: Know where you are in cyberspace
    • Remember, when you are in an unknown cyberspace, look before you leap.
  • Rule 4: Respect other people's time and bandwidth
    • You are not the center of cyberspace.
  • Rule 5: Make yourself look good online
    • Never make yourself anonymous.
  • Rule 6: Share expert knowledge
    • You are not the only person who has the right to know.
  • Rule 7: Help keep flame wars under control
    • Never try to make conflicts in the net.
  • Rule 8: Respect other people's privacy
    • You do not have the right to snoop in other people's properties.
  • Rule 9: Don't abuse your power
    • "With great power comes great responsibility"
  • Rule 10: Be forgiving of other people's mistakes
    • People make mistakes. Therefore, it is necessary to be forgiving of mistakes.

Domain Name System (DNS)

The 2nd topic in 2nd quarter comp-sci, DNS.

Domain Name System or DNS is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services or any resource connected to the internet or a private network. DNS is used to identify domains the at different levels in the domain hierarchical tree.

When you enter an alphanumeric address, your computer needs to understand what IP numeric addresses it needs to contact. DNS completes the job.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Protocols (2nd Quarter)

2nd Quarter comp-sci started with protocols.

protocols are basically a set of rules that control the communications between computers. there are nine protocols.

internet protocol is the most important protocol. also known as IP, without this, bye-bye internet.
it is the primary network protocol often used together with transmission control protocol or TCP.

transmission control protocol is a connection-oriented protocol used by major internet applications such as World Wide Web and eMail. this protocol will not work unless you have internet. contrary to this is the user datagram protocol otherwise known as UDP. 

for file transferrring, there is the File Transfer Protocol or the FTP which is for transferring of files while the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or SMTP is an internet standard for electronic mail (e-mail) transmission across the internet.

finally, the most famous protocol is Hypertext Transfer Protocol, popularly known as HTTP which is the foundation of data for the World Wide Web.

other protocols are ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), and the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).