Friday, November 7, 2014

Protocols (2nd Quarter)

2nd Quarter comp-sci started with protocols.

protocols are basically a set of rules that control the communications between computers. there are nine protocols.

internet protocol is the most important protocol. also known as IP, without this, bye-bye internet.
it is the primary network protocol often used together with transmission control protocol or TCP.

transmission control protocol is a connection-oriented protocol used by major internet applications such as World Wide Web and eMail. this protocol will not work unless you have internet. contrary to this is the user datagram protocol otherwise known as UDP. 

for file transferrring, there is the File Transfer Protocol or the FTP which is for transferring of files while the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol or SMTP is an internet standard for electronic mail (e-mail) transmission across the internet.

finally, the most famous protocol is Hypertext Transfer Protocol, popularly known as HTTP which is the foundation of data for the World Wide Web.

other protocols are ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), and the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).

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