Saturday, March 14, 2015


This will be my final post in this blog. I just want to say thank you for those who viewed my blog. It's a big appreciation and I am very grateful. I'd also like to thank my friends. Even though it's just a project in ordinary Comp Sci 1, this project wouldn't have been possible without them for motivating me to aim high and aim for the best. And lastly, I would like to thank Sir Tom, my Comp Sci teacher. Thank you Sir for teaching us Comp Sci this school year. It has been very memorable and I hope that I wouldn't forget your teachings. Thank you everyone. It has been a great time creating blogs. Bye-Bye.


As we approach the end of my blog, let us have a recap of the last 8 posts.
These are:
  1. Computer System +Hardware Specs
  2. Software
  3. Data Representation
  4. Binary Conversion
  5. Machine Cycle
  6. Networking 
  7. Computer System Components, and
  8. Installing OS
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Installing OS

Another feature to be taught in Comp Sci is installing OS.

The steps are:

  1. You must have an installer, or insert Boot Disk
  2. Configure BIOS
  3. Then follow step by step procedure.
  4. Install needed drivers
  5. install necessary applications.
Note: Know the System Requirements of the OS you're installing. Follow the procedures carefully. Never skip a procedure. You might need to restart your device in order for changes to take effect.

Computer System Unit Components

The Computer System is a complex system and is therefor composed of several divers and cards in the Motherboard.

These are :

  1. Power Box - to check the voltage of the computer system
  2. RAM - Main Memory
  3. Processor - CPU
  4. Hard Disk - for secondary memory
  5. DVD Drive - for optical discs
  6. SATA Cables
  7. Fan - for cooling
  8. Video Card - to enhance graphics
  9. Network Card - to enable ethernet
  10. Audio Card - to enhance sound


Networking is a group of two or more computer systems linked together. Through networking, you can also transfer data in the form of packets which are routed between an origin and a destination on the internet or any other packet-switched network.

There are many types of networks

  • LAN or Local Area Network
    • This is commonly used when you want to play games using networking in multiplayer. LAN  connects network devices over a short distance.

  • MAN or Metropolitan Area Network
    • a network spanning a large area such as a City. This is probably owned and operated by a single entity such as Government Bodies or large corporations. The MAN is considered the Hybrid of a LAN and a WAN 

  • WAN or Wide Area Network
    • This is the largest of the three. The WAN spans a large distance such as the Internet.
and there are more such as 
  • WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)
  • CAN - Campus Area Network
  • SAN - Storage Area Network
  • PAN - Personal Area Network
  • System Area Network

    Machine Cycle

    Now we're done with Binary, let's move on to Machine Cycle.

    Machine cycle is the basic process performed by a CPU which is the main logic unit of a computer. Machine Cycle only consists of four processes, mainly:

    1. Fetch - retrieve an instruction from the main memory
    2. Decode - translate the retrieved instruction into a series of computer commands.
    3. Execute - execute the computer commands
    4. Store - write the results back in memory.

    Binary conversion

    We probably discussed about how binary is defined and how it is transferred. Now we are going to discuss how the other types of data.

    Besides Binary which consists of only 1 and 0, there is also Decimal which consists of the normal numbers we use today. Decimal is indicated by subscript 10 where Binary subscript 2. Aside from Decimal, there is also Hex which is indicated by subscript 16.

    To convert Binary to Decimal you simply have to consider the place value. How about vice versa? You just simply divide using the continuous division method the decimal number by 2 and whatever remainder you get is the binary itself. For example: 3/2 is equal to 1 r.1 then the binary form is 11.

    To convert Decimal to Hex, remember that 4 bits is equal to 1 hex digit. for hex to decimal, remember that 1 hex digit is 4 bits.

    To convert Binary to Hex, do the process of Binary to Decimal followed by Decimal to Hex. To convert Hex to Binary, do the process of Hex to Decimal followed by Decimal to Binary.

    Data Representation

    "There are 10 types of data stored in a Computer."

    Actually, there are only 2, 1&0. A computer can only understand 1 and 0 as its data and even the data you input are made up of 1 and 0. the computer decodes algorithms of 1 and 0 and the result is what you are seeing now. But how does the computer decode these algorithms?

    These are called Binary Data. There are two types of data stored, Original Data and Previously Stored Data. Original Data is data being introduced to the computer system for the first time while Previously Stored Data has already been processed and is being stored for Future Use.

    There are three common basic technologies for storing Binary Data

    • Optical (Compact Disc)
    • Magnetic (Hard Disk)
    • Electronic (Flash Drive)
    Binary Data consists of the basic unit of measurement when it comes to computers, Bit. Bit can represent two states of information such as Yes or No. Next to Bits are Bytes which consist of 8 Bits. If a Bit can represent two sates of information, then a Byte can represent 254 more states.

    But how is information moved inside a computer? Easy, data is moved about in bytes or multiple bytes called Words. The number may vary per computer. If your computer is 64 bit, then the bits  per word is 64. The same happens if it is 32 bit.

    Friday, March 13, 2015


    Now, we are to discuss the more important part of a computer system, the software.

    Software refers to any program that tells the computer what to do. You can't produce outputs without the software to keep the memory. Now the more important question; can hardware work without software? It can, but not much activity.

    There are different types of software, the System and the Application software. The System Software are programs that take control of the PC on startup, and then play a central role in everything that happens within a computer system by managing, maintaining, and controlling computer resources.

    The System Software may include the OS, Compilers, and Platforms.

    OS or Operating System monitors and controls  all input/output and processing activities within a computer system.It is the overall controller of the Software.Examples are Windows, Dos, Ubuntu, etc. Compilers are softwares used to create softwares through Programmng, The GCC and the JAVAC are examples of compilers.

     How about platforms? Platforms are defined as a combination of a processor and an operating system. Before choosing a platform, one must consider

    • availability of appropriate commercial applications for the platforms
    • compatibility of platform with existing hardware, software, and expertise.
    The Application Software takes control of softwares for personal use like MS Office, Video Downloaders, and Games :D

    Computer System + Hardware Specs

    Getting a Computer is easy. The problem is you don't know how it works. Worse, you probably not find it in your standards, which means you've got the wrong computer. This blog will teach you how to prevent these future problems.

    Computer Processing
    A computer system is one that is able to take a set of inputs, process them to create a set of outputs. This is done by a combination of hardware and software. Yes, only hardware and software. So if you take away either the hardware or the software, what you have there is not a computer system. It what makes a computer a computer.

    A Gaming Laptop
    Now what if you want a computer for your own standards? You have to consider the Hardware Specs (short for Hardware Specifications). Hardware Specs dictate the limits and maximum capability of a hardware device depending on a given unit of measurement. For example, if you want to buy a laptop for gaming, you need to consider that the hardware specs of the unit you are going to buy should be very high like the memory, graphics and sound card, etc. And if you want to buy a laptop for office use only, you don't need to buy a high-end type because it would be a waste of money.