Saturday, March 14, 2015

Binary conversion

We probably discussed about how binary is defined and how it is transferred. Now we are going to discuss how the other types of data.

Besides Binary which consists of only 1 and 0, there is also Decimal which consists of the normal numbers we use today. Decimal is indicated by subscript 10 where Binary subscript 2. Aside from Decimal, there is also Hex which is indicated by subscript 16.

To convert Binary to Decimal you simply have to consider the place value. How about vice versa? You just simply divide using the continuous division method the decimal number by 2 and whatever remainder you get is the binary itself. For example: 3/2 is equal to 1 r.1 then the binary form is 11.

To convert Decimal to Hex, remember that 4 bits is equal to 1 hex digit. for hex to decimal, remember that 1 hex digit is 4 bits.

To convert Binary to Hex, do the process of Binary to Decimal followed by Decimal to Hex. To convert Hex to Binary, do the process of Hex to Decimal followed by Decimal to Binary.

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