Saturday, January 17, 2015

Cell Reference

In the next topic, we will learn some cool tips in Cell Referencing.

Basically, Cell Referencing is getting information from other sources which include using range, columns and rows. Here are somethings that can help

Cell Reference
  • Autofill
  • Paste Special, and
  • Ctrl + `
There are different types of reference. 
  • Relative
    • Automatically changes when the formula is copied down down a column or across a row.
  • Absolute
    • cell reference is fixed; doesn't change when copied to other cells.
    • Uses $ like: $A$1
  • Mixed
    • A combination of Relative and Absolute.
    • Example:
      • A$1
      • $A1
Cell reference can also be from other sheets, and even from other workbooks.
These are the formulas.:
  • Same File
    • Manual Selection
    • Use Formula
    • Sheet2!A1
  • Different File
    • Manual selection
    • use formula
    • [File2.xlsx]Sheet1!$A$1

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